måndag 20 maj 2013

Meaningless Babbling Bumbling Band of Baboons...

I have this need to write something today, but I just don't know what to write about... What to do, what to do. 

Starting this meaningless post, I can tell you all that the weather has been as bad as can be... Everything is grey and boring, and it's been raining cats and dogs for almost the entire day.... and with this said, things will probably get worse just because it can, so later tonight it will snow all while the thunder roars and a tornado blows past.

While I'm writing this, I was thinking maybe I could find a "30 Day Challenge" of some kind to entertain myself with... but what to choose. I've recently did one on my tumblr about Doctor Who, so that one would be boring to do again.. at least for me.
Oh well, I'll keep thinking about it.

Thanks to one of my friend I've found a new obsession.
The game; OSU!
I promise, it's dangerous! play it ONCE and you will be stuck for eternity!

If you wanna try it out, you can find it on https://osu.ppy.sh/

The first thing you will have to do is make a account  then you will need to download the game. When you've done that you can start to search for songs to download. Everything is free, and everything is made by fans for fans, so some songs are better and some... not so good....

but hey, now you're probably wondering what the hell I'm talking about. So a short explanation is that "osu" is a game were you will use the computer mouse to click on round thingy things along with the rhythm of the music/song that you've chosen to play. (dont worry, you will have a "how to play" song when you've downloaded the game, and there you will learn the basics.

Sadly (for some people) there are A LOT of anime music, and asian songs... but there are some other; like "call me maybe" and other songs in English, so fear not!

Here is a vid that can show you a bit what osu is, if my rambling wasn't enough explanation for you (^_^)
Try it out, but be beware, there is a good chance you will be as stuck as I am in the game! if you wanna add me as friend or just see what I'm up to on the game, my username is "swedenarashifan"

Have fun!!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hej! Är du fortfarande ett Arashi-fan? :)

    1. Jag har inte haft internet på nästan två år, så ja har halkat eftre lite med vad arashi har hållit på med, men ja, ja anser fortfarande att ja är ett arashi fan =)
