onsdag 20 mars 2013

Decisions decisions...

I've made up my mind, finally! I'm gonna continue to write this blog in English! So I'm gonna say right from this moment, that I'm soooo sorry for all future slaughtering of a old and beautiful language, 'cause I'm probably gonna end up using more of a... 
fangirl-squeaking/squealing-(hopefully)English-sounding/slash/Japanese-and-Swedish-maybe-even-sometimes-South-Korean-and-a-pinch-of-Gallifreyan-and-emotion-explaining-gif's-all-of-which-is-mixed-with-a-dash-of-pure-me'ness...tongue... *sigh*

And if you all understood that new and very dictionary 'accurate word, that I absolutely did NOT just make up:

You have all passed the test ("I will diminish, and go into the West, and remain Galadriel"... yeah 'cause that's what I actually said out loud after writing the words: "passed the test") *sigh, I know I'm crazy, sue me!*

so.. if I haven't lost all my readers after this, let the slaughtering begin!

Oh, and for all you non-Swedish-speaker...reader..... understand'er...... * awkward silence while bug's chirp loudly* ... *cough* Just ask, if there is ANY old post that you want me to re-do in English, and I will be MORE than happy to do so!

So 'til my next update, which will hopefully be either about the movies Undisputed 2 & 3 or Ip Man 1 & 2,

"May the odds be ever in your favor"
